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Tuesday, February 15, 2011


it really is the mother of invention
I would have never started sewing if I could have bought
for a reasonable price
what I was looking for

but like burp clothes and bibs

I could not find any wash clothes that were 
soft, absorbent, easy to rinse, did not stain easily, and
somewhat attractive since they sit in a basket on the counter

So, I decided that I would make some
and they work great, look great, and feel great! 

What I did was pretty simple:

1. take an high quality terrycloth and cute fabrics and cut into matching 8x8 inch squares
2. Sew wrong sides together leaving a 3 inch opening on one side
3. Turn right sides out, iron, fold under seam, and sew a zigzag stitch around the entire cloth

Hopefully that makes sense..
my sewing vocabulary is limited..

so with out further ado

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Where Have I Been

Wow..it feels like forever since I have had a chance to blog
Between house hunting, house buying, house inspections, 
shopping for new house decorations and paint

and all of us taking a turn being sick
I have no idea where the last month has been

but, we are all healthy
the house is bought, inspected, and ready to move into
and we close on March 18th!

Here is a picture of our new home

We feel so blessed by God that every part of this process
went so smoothly. I think of the hours I spent worrying 
about timing our lease ending with buying a new home, if we would 
find the right home, how much work would need to be done..etc

I now I look back and can see that God, 
like He always does,
had everything perfectly planned

I wonder why I always struggle with trusting His plan..
He has NEVER failed me and its ALWAYS been
better than I could have ever imagined.