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Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Here is to hoping that my coffee maker dies before Mother's Day, so that I have an excuse to buy this beauty..Which I really have no real need for since my coffee maker works great.

but its just so chic looking..with its little blue lights
(which would match my toaster which has a little blue light)

But then I would have to buy these ridiculously over priced little
coffee pods

which I really secretly love the little organized packets

and then I would need to organize them on the counter

so..all in all it would be a pretty big investment..
I should just stick to my homemade coffee with the
*occasional* Starbucks run..


  1. We got one for Christmas... It was a bit technologically advanced for us, so we tucked it away for safekeeping, haha. But we still watch for sales on K-cups, because a deal is a deal. (Eventually we will bring it out to the cottage... probably...)
