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Saturday, June 19, 2010


Oh, date night! I have been looking forward to this night all week! Earlier I busted out my Entertainment Book to decide where we should go. I found Hugo's Steakhouse. Our entertainment coupon was buy one dinner get one free up to $17.00 off! Great deals.
Russ and I both ordered a steak. Fabulous. We topped it off with tiramisu. Perfect.

We did have to laugh though. The restaurant was hosting a rehearsal dinner and not only were there an abnormal amount of children in a nice steakhouse, a lady was walking her fussy 3 month old baby up and down the isle by our table. What else can you do but laugh. And order a second glass of wine.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


My days are so crazy these days.
This is a little sample of a "normal" day. 
The following takes place between 5:30 and 6:00am..
OK..too much 24.

But seriously that was not a typo. Both girls wake up between 5:30 and 6am
6:00 am-Bottles (thankfully Russ is home to help with this feeding)
6:15-7:30-play time (for the most part they play great either together or alone
during this time with little interruption. I spend that time doing laundry, 
eating breakfast, making breakfast for the girls, showering, and whatever
else I can squeeze in)
7:30-8:30-morning nap (I am still usually trying to finish getting dressed
do my hair, check email, make coffee..)
8:30-9:00-eat breakfast (either jarred or homemade baby food 
depending on how organized I have been that week, puffed cereal, 
cheese pieces, yogurt, basically what ever is in the house :)
9:00-9:30-clean up the giant mess that is breakfast. Not only the 
food that is on the floor, the entire high chair and both babies
from head to two. While I am doing this they are either wanting attention
or crawling around on the floor with the cats trying to get anything
that fell on the floor. 
9:30-9:45-change diapers and get both girls dressed for the day
10:00-11:00 run errands (try to get as many groceries as I can stuff under the stroller,
hit the bank drive through, get gas, grab a coffee. Yes, more coffee
don't judge.)
11:00-noon-either one or both have started crying so now we are back at home
during this hour I chase them around the house while they attempt 
to eat cat food and pick at the outlet covers. Or we go for a long walk
if its a nice day, or play out on the porch in the pack and play.
12:30-1:00-clean up lunch (see above) change diapers, put in bed for 
afternoon nap. 
1:00-230 or 3:00-NAP 
sweet love. this is the best time of my day.
but I am still running around planning dinner, folding laundry
picking up the hot mess that is our house
3:15-4:30-take a LONG walk outside if nice, run another errand 
if not nice. 
5:00-5:30-dinner for the babies, Russ gets home from work 
5:30-7:00pm-playtime for the babies, clean up dinner plan what
Russ and I are going to eat for dinner, sometimes actually have time 
to eat dinner.
7:00-7:30-baths (every other night) bottles and 
7:30 BEDTIME. 
7:30-10:00pm-attempt to regain sanity. Eat dinner if we have 
not had a chance, discuss how crazy both of our days were, pick up the array 
of baby toys, wash bottles and make new ones for the next day. Feed/water
cats, try and relax and either read or watch TV for a few minutes..

Honestly, I love every crazy minute and would not trade it for the world! 

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I have been MIA from my blog.
We switched from a PC to MAC and 
I can barely use it! I have been
watching Apple tutorials in an attempt to join the rest of the 
world in the 21st century.

And Russ and I are watching Season 5 of 24

and its summer..

so, I will back back to regular posting soon..
Here is a little cuteness for today

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memorial Day 2010

Lilly and Elise's first Memorial Day. I want them to learn what an honor it is to recognize those who have served
or are serving our country. Especially since their Uncle Pat is
in Iraq right now. They also have great grand fathers who served,
Grandpa Dykema and Uncle Erik who were in the Navy,
and their dad who works in law enforcement.

So, we decided to take them to a parade.
We went to the West Allis parade which is small and local
My mom got the girls outfits that we perfect for the day
So we took our little "American Flag" for a fun day out!